15 ml Ki-Urushi for Kintsugi

15 ml Ki-Urushi for Kintsugi


Sold only to Professional Users! (Read through all product information before purchasing and using)

Ki-Urushi - Raw Japanese urushi, the refined sap of the lacquer tree, this has been filtered and reduced in water content to make it a usable lacquer. This urushi is used for the first several steps of authentic Kintsugi and has an excellent cure strength. Urushi is a natural material and does not contain toxic chemical additives.

CAUTION: Urushi contains urushiol, an oil that can cause allergic dermatitis and potentially other allergic reactions. Urushiol is the oil contained in poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Proper handling is required when using this material. It is highly recommended that gloves and long-sleeve shirt be worn, and it is essential to work in a well-ventilated area. It is suggested to use a poison ivy/oak wash and follow the manufacture's directions after each use.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY By purchasing this product you hereby acknowledge and agree that you understand the nature of the risks in using this product and assume responsibility for, each of these risks and dangers, and all other risks and dangers that could arise out of, or occur during, the use of this material. The Purchaser hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Christian K Bonner seller, from and for any liability resulting from any personal injury, accident or illness (including death), and/or property loss, however caused, arising from, or in any way related to, Purchasur’s use of this material.

Cure: To promote oxidative polymerization of lacquer, temperatures around 20 ° C and humidity of 70% or higher are optimal.  It will start to cure in about half a day under favorable conditions.  It cures even at low temperatures and humidity, but it takes several times. Make sure to wear gloves until it is properly cured.

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